Family Portrait goes on a Journey to Italy


Did you know displaying family portraits affects your kids' self-esteem?

Family portraits help kids "see themselves as a valued and important part of the family unit," says David Krauss. Krauss is a licensed psychologist and published a study called, "Phototherapy in Mental Health."

I would guess this applies to us adults also, when things get hard and we need to remind ourselfs of our "why." Why we do all the hard things for our family.

This 20x30 Vivid Metal Art Piece is on its long journey from Florida to Italy, where the family will be living for the next three years as they serve in the U.S. Air Force. Their family portrait will hang on the wall in their rental home. It will give them a sense of foundation as they make their way in a new country.

Words from mom: “We are so thrilled that we had these family portraits created before our move to Italy! Diane started creating photos of me (and my family) as a kid, photographed my high school senior portraits and now I choose her to photograph my growing family. Diane is especially skilled at working with my children and bringing out their true personalities using natural poses, as opposed to the forced smiles that I get from them. If you are looking for an experienced, extremely personable photographer, I believe Diane is the best!”

Family portraits are so personal and hold great meaning in our lives. Can you think of a time that a family image helped you stand on a solid foundation, maybe when going through something hard?

If any of what I’ve written speaks to you, please don’t wait and have regrets later. Contact me now and we can get started! No one has ever told me they regretted their family portraits.