2020! Annual Review
Each January I look back on the year before and look ahead to the future. In the past I may have made “resolutions.” Those didn’t really work for me until I figured out that my ideas were great, but without action steps or a plan, those ideas would end up making me feel like a failure, for my lack of follow through. Last year I stumbled upon this very simple approach by James Clear. Ask yourself three questions:
What went well last year?
What didn’t go so well last year?
What are you working towards?
I love this approach because it gets me to start thinking about where I’ve been and where I want to go. And it’s not overwhelming. I want to teach my kids to do this also, so I created a PDF to make it easy for them and for us to use as a family. I made it super simple because super simple is what might actually get done. I am sharing this Annual Review PDF with you, in case it might help you also.
Also, I highly recommend the book Atomic Habits, by James Clear. It has helped me to see that taking small steps toward my goals helps me make progress. I tend to be someone who sets lofty goals, which can be a good thing. But sometimes I don’t have the self control to make sure my goals are really attainable and not overwhelming, which makes them likely to be a source of future feelings of failure. Check out the book—it’s become a New York Times bestseller and is being translated into a whole bunch of different languages! It is also on Audible.com, which is great for listening as you drive, walk, exercise or cook.
Here’s to a fulfilling, meaningful 2020 for all of us!